
Antichrist Superstar (parte 2): breve reflexión sobre el segundo álbum de estudio de Marilyn Manson

El Antichrist Superstar fue lanzado el 8 de octubre de 1996. Se trata del segundo álbum de estudio de Marilyn Manson y el primero de una trilogía que abarcaría también los discos Mechanical Animals y Holy Wood.

Gracias a éste álbum, su autor pudo colocarse en los más grandes escenarios del mundo, codearse con las estrellas de rock más importantes y convertirse en uno de los personajes más representativos de los últimos tiempos.

El Antichrist Superstar fue producido por el entonces buen amigo de Manson, Trent Reznor. Consta de 16 canciones mas un track oculto, divididas en tres "ciclos" que narran la historia de un personaje que pasa de ser un "gusano", un debilucho, un exiliado; a ser un destructor, un líder, un tirano, incluso.

Algunas palabras del autor acerca de su obra:

"[...]The chaos of the Tony Wiggings tour and the corruption of New Orleans had sent us on a writing binge, and Twiggy [Ramirez, ex-bajista de la banda] and I churned out thirteen songs, working so closely and so in synch that we didn't even have to talk to each other to communicate ideas. When we put all the songs together on a demo tape, we saw that we had created one giant metaphor for our past, our present and our future. It was about a dark, twisted, vitiated creature's evolution from a childhood spent living in fear to an adulthood spent sowing fear, from a weakling to a megalomaniac, from a shit-eater to a shit-kicker, from a worm to a world-destroyer. We had a vision, a concept and, even if no one else believed in the music, we knew we had at least several of our best songs. We were ready to start synthesizing our lives into a fully realized record".

"[...]Maybe the album they had in mind for Marilyn Manson was not the one I had in mind. It seemed like Trent [Reznor, productor] and I wanted to make different records. I saw Antichrist Superstar essencially as a pop album -albeit an intelligent, complex and dark one. I wanted to make something as classic as the records I had grown up on. Trent seemed to have his heart set on breaking new ground as a producer and recording something experimental, an ambition that often ran in opposition to the tunefulness, coherence and scope I insisted on. I had always relied on Trent's opinion in the studio, but what was I supposed to do now that our opinions differed? No matter what anyone said, I knew that Antichrist Superstar was not the same as The Downward Spiral [el segundo álbum de Nine Inch Nails, la banda de Trent Reznor], which was about Trent's descent into an inner, solipsistic world of self-torment and wretchedness. Antichrist Superstar was about using your power, not your misery, and watching that power destroy you and everyone else around you.[...]"

Ambas citas fueron tomadas del libro The Long Hard Road Out Of Hell, el cuál describe bastante bien la situación de la banda detrás de la creación de éste álbum, situación que llevó a Brian Warner (verdadero nombre de Marilyn Manson) a cuestionarse el futuro de su obra y de su banda.

Afortunadamente, todas las opiniones en contra probaron estar mal cuando el álbum se convirtió en un clásico instantáneo, elevando a su autor a un estatus de estrella que aún hoy, 10 años después, goza.

Antichrist Superstar prevalecerá en la memoria de la humanidad como un álbum que enseña a creer en uno mismo y que nos invita a observar nuestro poder y cómo ése poder puede destruirlo todo en un instante.

MP3: Marilyn Manson - 1996

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